
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Creating emails with Rails

By default, rails sends emails with the MIME type text/plain, but sometimes you might wish to make your emails look better, by adding links or images and for that you need your mail to have the MIME type of text/html.

The easier way to do this, would be by change the content type variable in the notifier.rb file, but if you do that, email reader that don't support html will not show your email correctly.

So how have the best of both worlds with as little effort as possible? Fear not my friends, for RoR convention over configuration policy has come to the rescue yet again!

All that you need to do is to create two files in your notifier views, one with the name whatever_you_want.text.html.erb and another with the name whatever_you_want.text.plain.erb and rails ActiveMailer will take care of the rest for you. Sweet!

PS: This is for rails 2.x, in rails 3.x the names would be whatever_you_want.text.erb and whatever_you_want.html.erb

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Properly show errors with Paperclip and Formtastic

Paperclip has for while now decided that each of its files should have 5 arrays of errors, one for each field it stores in the database (file_name, file_size, content_type and updated_at) and one for the actual file object.

If you are using it alongside with formtastic (or even if you are not), this can be the cause of some problems when trying to show those errors to the client. Therefore, I created a little method to concatenate all these arrays into one.

def properly_show_errors(record)
  if @record.errors.any?
    flash[:error] = []

    @record.errors.each do |attribute,msg|
      if attribute =~ /.+_content_type/ || attribute =~ /.+_content_file_size/
        proper_attribute = attribute.split('_')[0]
        @record.errors.delete_all_at proper_attribute
        @record.errors.add proper_attribute,msg

This takes a record and merges the content_type and content_file_size errors into its own error array. The message can be internationalized in the model to whom the file concerns, as such:

validates_attachment_size :image, :less_than => 1.megabytes, :message => I18n::t('flash.image_size_1mb')

The record is passed on as an instance variable of the caller class. In my use case this caller class is an action in the controller, for instance when creating a page:

flash.now[:error] = t("flash.page_not_updated", :name => page.title) 

This will render the page creation form with the error on the flash div, and the record instance variable with page and its errors. The two things of note in this piece of code are the way of using helpers in a controller with the @template variable, and the flash.now that will make the flash message last only one redirect.

Note: This 'bug' has been fixed in formtastic version 1.2.0 and above, but this is still pertinent for those using a prior version

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dynamic HTML container size with CSS + JS

Have you ever tried to make a container (let's say a span) have the size of the text dynamically, without you having to har code it? Here's how I've done it using JavaScript (actually JQuery) and some CSS.

First let's define the markup:

<span id="ruler"></span>
<div class="wrapper">
    <span class="name">Hello World</span>
    <span class="name">I am a very very very very very big string.......................</span>
    <span class="name">I am a normal string</span>

The only thing of notice here is the span with the id ruler, this span is empty and is what is going to help us measure the string size in pixels.

Now for the javascript:

String.prototype.visualLength = function() {
    var width = $("#ruler").width();
    return width;

$("span.name").each(function() {
    $(this).css("width", $(this).text().visualLength());

This defines a new function for Strings called visualLength that puts the string in the ruler span, gets the width in pixels and cleans it. Then there is an iterator that sets the width for each of the spans we've defined to the one returned by the function.

And that is it. Now we just need some CSS, to make use of this:

    display: block;
    border: 3px solid #FF0000; 

    width: 500px;
    border: 3px solid #000;  

    visibility: hidden;

This code makes the ruler invisible and impedes the text from wrapping. The rest is just an example of how to use this feature to center your text in an outer container. Here is a demo.

Note: The javascript code was based on a blog somewhere, but I cannot seem to find it. If someone knows the link, I'll be happy to refer it.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Integrating git and rvm with prompt

Here's a quick hack to your prompt, that I find helpful when using git and rvm.

Add this to you .bash_profile, .bashrc, or whatever file you use to configure your shell:

export PROMPT_COMMAND='PS1="\[\033[0;33m\][\!] \h\`
if [[ \$? = "0" ]]; then echo "\\[\\033[32m\\]";
else echo "\\[\\033[31m\\]"; fi
\` \`
if [[ `pwd|wc -c|tr -d " "` > 60 ]]; then echo ":..$(expr "$PWD" : ".*\(/.*.\{40\}\)")";
else echo ${PWD/\/Users\/$(whoami)/\~}; fi
\`\[\] $(parse_git_branch)\[\]\[\033[0m\]$(rvm_version.sh)\[\033[0m\]: ";
echo -ne "\033]0;`hostname -s`:`pwd`\007"'

Now you need the parse_git_branch and rvm_version.sh.

Parse Git Branch

parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/[\1]/'

RVM Version

ruby_version=$(/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm current)
if [ -f "Gemfile" ] # If it is a rails project
  if [ -e "app/assets" ] # If rails version >= 3.1
    if [[ $ruby_version != *1.9* ]] # If not using correct rvm version
      echo -n "\\[\\033[31m\\]"
      echo -n "\\[\\033[32m\\]"
  else # If rails version >= 3.1
    if [[ $ruby_version != *1.8* ]]
      echo -n "\\[\\033[31m\\]"
      echo -n "\\[\\033[32m\\]"
  echo -n [$(/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm current)]
  echo -n "\\[\\033[32m\\]"

Put them somewhere in some directory that's in your PATH, and it should work. What it does, as far as git and rvm go, is tell what branch your on, and if your using the correct rvm for your rails project (turns red if your not).

I'll probably work a little more on the rvm_version, that is the only thing that I can actually get credit for, but for now it works.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Project Euler

Project Euler is a website that proposes various problems, related to programming and/or math. You can solve the problem anyway you like, as it only asks for the result. If you get it right, you can then check out how others have done it or, in some cases, have an explanation from the guys at project euler.

It is very addictive and fun, I highly recommend it!

I've been solving the problems entirely in Ruby, and committing my code to github. Check out my solutions, and don't hesitate to let me know if you find a better one, or even a bug. ;)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bridging the gap between SQL ao NoSQL: A state of the art

Here is a state of the art report I wrote on SQL and NoSQL, and a way to bring them closer. This is actually the theme of my master thesis, so you should probably get some more posts on this topic in the future.

Hasta. ;)


Monday, May 9, 2011

Running a Cassandra cluster with only one machine

I've noticed that if you want to run a cassandra cluster on your own pc, for the purpose of small tests, there is no guide in the wiki to do just that.

Therefore, here is how I've done it.

First of you'll need to create an alias for you network interface:

Mac OS
ifconfig en0 alias

ifconfig eth0:0

Here I've chosen the en0 (or eth0) interface, but you can choose the one you like, and also the IP address you like.

The first file you'll have to edit is the conf/cassandra.yaml:

- Change the commit_log, data and saved_caches directories, so it doesn't conflict with the ones from the previous "node";
- Change the rpc_port (used for Thrift or Avro) to one that is free;
- Change the listen_address to the IP of your "fake" interface.

Next open the conf/cassandra-env.sh file and change the JMX_PORT.

The last file to edit is the bin/cassandra.in.sh where you'll need to change all the occurences of $CASSANDRA_HOME to the path of the "node". For example, if you're bin directory is in /XXX/YYY/node2/bin, the path is /XXX/YYY/node2.

You can do this to create as many nodes as you want, and then just run them as usual, with bin/cassandra -f

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Inserting data with Thrift and Cassandra 0.7

A lot has changed from Cassandra 0.6 to 0.7, and sometimes it is hard to find examples of how things work. I'll be posting how to's on some of the most usual operations you might want to perform when using Cassandra, written in Java.

First of you have to establish a connection to the server:

TFramedTransport transport = new TFramedTransport(new TSocket("localhost", 9160));
Cassandra.Client client = new Cassandra.Client(new TBinaryProtocol(transport));

Here I'm using localhost and the default port for Cassandra, but this can be configured.

One difference to the previous versions of Cassandra is that the connection can be bound to a keyspace, and can be set as so:


With the connection established you need only the data to insert, now. This data is passed to the server in the form of mutations (org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Mutation).

In this example, I'll be adding a column to a row in a column family in the predefined keyspace.

List<Mutation> insertion_list = new ArrayList<Mutation>();

Column col_to_add = new Column(ByteBuffer.wrap(("name").getBytes("UTF8")), ByteBuffer.wrap(("value").getBytes("UTF8")),System.currentTimeMillis());

Mutation mut = new Mutation();
mut.setColumn_or_supercolumn(new ColumnOrSuperColumn().setColumn(col_to_add));

Map<String,List<Mutation>> columnFamilyValues = new HashMap<String,List<Mutation>>();

Map<ByteBuffer,<String,List<Mutation>>> rowDefinition = new HashMap<ByteBuffer,<String,List<Mutation>>>();


The code is pretty much self explaining, apart from some values that can be reconfigured at will, as the encoding of the strings (I've used UTF8), and the consistency level of the insertion (I've used ONE).

In the case of the consistency levels you should check out Cassandra's wiki, to better understand it's usage.

To close the connection to the server it as easy as,


Hope you find this useful. Next I'll give an example of how to get data from the server, as soon as I have some time. ;)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Opening a new tab in the same directory and then some in Mac OS

For all of you that use the Mac OS Terminal, you've probably felt the frustation of opening a new tab and it opening on the $HOME path, unlike the Linux one's, that open in the path you were in.

Well, I've written a script that kind of solves this problem, and adds some extra functionality that I find really helpfull.



if [ -z "$1" ]
  COMMAND="cd $(pwd)"

/usr/bin/osascript 2>/dev/null <<EOF
activate application "Terminal"
tell application "System Events"
  keystroke "t" using {command down}
end tell
tell application "Terminal"
  do script "$COMMAND" in window 1
end tell

First let's take a look at the applescript part (that's the part between EOF). Applescript code is very readable, but what it does is to open a new tab in the terminal, and then run the code in the COMMAND variable in that newly open window.

Then, there is that little bit of bash code, that assigns the string passed as an argument to be run or, if none is provided, it changes the directory to the one you were in.

So, you can open a new tab, by calling the script or, and this is the very handy thing for writing other scripts, open a new tab and run code in that tab, by calling the script with the string as an argument.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Parsing strings from the datepicker

In my previous post I explained how to create a datepicker with dynamic internationalization. There is one catch though, in different languages the representation of the date can be different, for example, February 5th can be 2/5/2011 in the USA and 5/2/2011 in Portugal. The rails default is the first.

This means that you'll have to take this into account when using the string that you get from the form where you are using the datepicker. You have two options, change the way the dates are displayed, by altering all the languages javascripts, or parse the string as it gets to the controller.

The latter can be achieved with this piece of code:

todo.due_date = DateTime.strptime(params[:date],"%d/%m/%Y").to_time

Note that I've chosen that format for the string, but it can be any format according to the ruby's Time class.

There is one other problem though, the user can, maliciously or by distraction, insert an invalid date. We can strengthen our code to prevent this, by catching the exception thrown.

  todo.due_date = DateTime.strptime(params[:date],"%d/%m/%Y").to_time
rescue ArgumentError
  flash[:error] = t("flash.invalid_date")
  redirect_to somewhere_in_the_app_path

So, if the exception occurs, we set the flash error message (using the translation helper), redirect to the appropriate path, and then return, so that it does not complain of having multiple render or redirect calls.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

jQuery-UI datepicker dynamic internationalization in Rails

The jQuery UI datepicker is internationalizable, by chosing from one of the languages in the regional array, as such:


As is easy to see, this changes the datepicker language to english. In order for any other language, apart from english (which is the default), to work, we need to include a javascript file that defines the strings to be shown.

We can either include all the languages (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.8/i18n/jquery-ui-i18n.min.js), or just the ones we need, that can be found here.

So far so good. But what if we want to include only the file we need, according to the system's locale?

It's pretty simple, and it prevents a user from having to download files he is not going to use, but just the one for the language he is viewing the site.

First, you'll have to create a helper that checks the current locale and includes the file accordingly, so it can be called from the views that use the datepicker.

def include_i18n_calendar_javascript
  content_for :head do
    javascript_include_tag case I18n.locale
      when :en then "jquery.ui.datepicker-en-GB.js"
      when :pt then "jquery.ui.datepicker-pt-BR.js"
      else raise ArgumentError, "Locale error"

As you can see, this has a case that chooses the file according to the locale, an returns it to the javascript_include_tag helper that generates the HTML for the inclusion of a javascript file and places it in the header with the content_for helper.

Now you only have to call the helper in the view and add some javascript.

var counter = 0;
var locale = "
for(i in $.datepicker.regional){
  if(counter == 1)
  { locale=i; break; }

Because the regional array is not exactly an array, but an hash (or an associative array, in javascript terms), we will have to iterate through each of it's objects. The one we want is the second, that the reason for the break. This object is the string the key in that associative array for the definitions of the locale we want. In the case of the first example, it would be "en-GB".

Now, we just initialize the datepicker with this variable:

$.datepicker.setDefaults( $.datepicker.regional[ '' ] );
$( ".datepicker" ).datepicker($.datepicker.regional[locale]);

And that's it. Now your datepickers are internationalized in a dynamic way.

PS: Of course you'll need a textfield that has the HTML class datepicker (or any other you choose).

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Manipulating nested hashes in Ruby

Lately I needed to work with some nested hashes in ruby. By nested hashes I mean hashes with hashes (or any other type, actually) in them, something like this:

nested_hash = {"first_key"=>{"second_key"=>"value"},"third_key"=>12}

That was when I found out that there are no actual methods to do this, and therefore I had to come up with my own.

If you want to get all the values in a nested hash, you can do this:

def get_all_values_nested(nested_hash={})
  nested_hash.each_pair do |k,v|
    case v
      when String, Fixnum then @all_values << v
      when Hash then get_all_values_nested(v)
      else raise ArgumentError, "Unhandled type #{v.class}"

  return @all_values

Obviously, you could just run trough all the pairs of key/value, but this would only work if there were no nested hashes. If there are, you need to recursively call the method each time you find a hash.

That's why we need the case statement, in order to differenciate between values and other hashes (or Arrays...). If it is a hash, you just give the value to the function and do a recursive search, that stops when it hits a value, adding this value to the final array. In this example I've considered to be values, String and Fixnum, if any other type happens to be present, an exception will be raised.

Note that the all_values variable is an instance variable. It cannot be a local variable, because it's values are going to be used in all the recursive calls. Another way of doing it would be by passing the variable to the method each time and update it at each return. I find it simpler and prettier like this.

In the previous example you'll get an array with all of the values, and that's it. You may, however, want to now what was the path travelled to get to the value. It is actually not that hard to implement, by changing the code just a little bit.

def get_all_values_nested(nested_hash={})
  nested_hash.each_pair do |k,v|
    @path << k
    case v
      when String, Fixnum then
        @all_values.merge!({"#{@path.join(".")}" => "#{v}"})
      when Hash then get_all_values_nested(v)
      else raise ArgumentError, "Unhandled type #{v.class}"

  return @all_values

There are two main differences in this code, the first is that there is a new instance variable, called path, that's an array, with all the keys that had to be "visited", to get to the value. The last key to be visited is the last key in the array, and is poped each time a value is found, or when all the keys of a certain hash are exhausted.

Imagine you have the hash first presented as an example, the evolution of the path array would be:

["first_key"] , ["first_key","second_key"] - Here, the value is found, and therefore a pop occurs, leaving the array with the previous state, after saving the path in the all_values hash:

["first_key"] - first_key does not have any more keys, so another pop happens, and so on:

[] , ["third_key"] , []

The other difference is that an hash is returned instead of an array. The hash has the following format (using the previous example):

{"first_key.second_key"=>"value" , "third_key"=>12}

So, now you can get the values, and know where they came from, the next thing you probably will want to do is change them and update the nested hash.

def set_value_from_path(nested_hash,path_to_value,newValue)
  path_array = path_to_value.split "."
  last_key = path_array.pop
  hash = create_hash_with_path(path_array,{last_key=>newValue})

This method receives the path to the value in the format used in the get, and the new value to be inserted. It first transforms the string of the path into an array as the ones we've used before, then it makes the array and the value into a hash, using an auxiliary method, create_hash_with_path. It is a very simple method that gets a path array and a simple hash with the last key before the value, and the value.

def create_hash_with_path(path_array,hash)
  newHash = Hash.new
  tempHash = Hash.new
  flag = 1
  path_array.reverse.each do |value|
    if flag == 1
      tempHash = hash
      flag = 0
      tempHash = newHash
    newHash = {value => tempHash}

  return newHash

Afterwards it merges the nested hash (that is the one from the first example), and the newly created hash. The only problem is that you cannot use the merge methods from the Hash class, because it does not work for nested hashes. You can write a simple method that does just that.

def merge!(merge1,merge2)
  case merge1
    when String,Fixnum then merge2
    else merge1.merge!(merge2) {|key,old_value,new_value| self.merge!(old_value,new_value)} if merge1 && merge2

It just redefines the Hash's class merge! to be recursive, and to stop when it reaches a value (String, Fixnum), and to using the value in merge2, that is the new value.

So, there you go. Now you have a whole new arsenal of methods to deal with nested hashes. Have in mind that you can chage this code to be compatible with other kinds of values, like Symbols and/or to accept other containers as an Array.